Monday, February 23, 2009

Built to Spill

The song "Car" has been in my head for about 2 hours. It kicks ass.


Through my infinite boredom I have stumbled across this great website. I doubt anything will come of this but shit for the time being I am going to post until my heart is content !

So here's to an epic first post: WOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo

So last night, the people that manage the apartment I live in came and bitched about how it's obvious that we are smoking cigarettes inside when that is not allowed. That makes me sad because it's fucking winter and it's really cold out. Am I doing this right? You are supposed to like talk about things that happened in your life and how they make you feel on blogs right. I don't read any blogs, the only things I do on the internet are battle the Burning Legion and the Lich King's undead armies in Azeroth, or shoot the shit on a silly little forum. I guess there is facebook, but I don't know if that counts since all I do is look in the corner and see if I have any new notifications...which never happens.

I feel like I probably won't ever use this but fuck it I'm gonna try, who knows. I guess now would be a good time to post what I am listening to: Currently playing is "Car" by Built to Spill, I have There's Nothing Wrong With Love on shuffle at the moment. Listening to Built to Spill reminds me of driving around really late at night in friend's cars, where something is being smoked constantly, either on the way home from a party or just out of shear boredom because the night never amounted to anything like a party or even gathering. Some of the best nights from my adolesence where spent driving around in my friend Angus' old Volvo station wagon, blasting Brand New and singing along. I hate getting all sentimental but I miss the days of High School, when you didn't have to deal with real world issues yet. Being a grown up kind of sucks, it's a lot of responsibility for a kid that basically fucked around until he graduated high school.

Um, today it's kind of cold out and I can't sit in my room smoking cigarettes anymore. It's gonna be another long boring afternoon, I have class at 5 so that will maybe change things up. Uhhh I'm eating an Asiago Cheese bagel from Panera right now - fucking delicious. Not like del.i.cious, but like DEL FUCKING ICIOUS. Real good shit, props to Panera for their expertise in combining tasty baked goods with cheese that is at the perfect consistency. I've been staring down the Rold Gold pretzel bag but our cream cheese went bad so I don't think I can commit to an entire pound of pretzels right now, that and the only drink we have is water and salty pretzels require a better thirst-quencher than water. Maybe like lemon-lime gatorade, that shit is like drinking awesomeness. If lemon-lime gatorade were an animal it would be like a tiger or something that just kicks a ton of ass all the time.

It's monday so that means a lot of days until the weekend again. Weekends are awesome for the most part. More on that later, thinking about the weekend on a Monday is no good. Maybe like Wednesday I will be ready to talk about it.

I was really disappointed by "Notorious". Biggie was a rad ass dude but the movie didn't portray him correctly at all.

I have a tattoo of a dolphin on my arm. My friend made it with a pencil a sewing needle and some thread. I think it's really rad. Look at the picture.

Well, signing off is the hardcore rap singer, aka crack slinger, the bring-it-any-time nargler. (See what I did there?)